a heads up


Tomorrow, The Daily Poster is adjusting our monthly and annual subscription price to help us expand our newsroom in 2021. We don’t want to price anyone out — so we wanted to give you a heads up:

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and want to lock in at the current LOWER rates, you should click here to subscribe before the adjustment happens.

Subscribe now

Also — because it is the holiday season — I should mention that if you want to give a gift subscription to anyone before the rates adjust tomorrow, you can also do that by clicking here.

A reminder: When you click here to become a supporting subscriber, you get access to all of our subscriber-only live events where you get to talk to high-profile guests, and you get our exclusive Midday Poster filled with scoops and news nuggets.

Beyond that, when you become a supporting subscriber, you are helping us hire more reporters to do more hard-hitting accountability journalism. As a grassroots-funded news outlet, we don’t answer to corporate or billionaire owners — but we can only build out a full newsroom with your help. So please click here to become a supporting subscriber right now.

Every week, you are seeing concrete evidence that our work is making a big impact (see this from yesterday!) — and we can have even more in 2021 if everyone pitches in.

Thanks for considering this request. Onward.

Rock the boat,
