LEVER TIME: Biden's Marijuana Plan: The Good, The Bad, And The Corporate Interests

LEVER TIME: Biden's Marijuana Plan: The Good, The Bad, And The Corporate Interests

In the new episode of our weekly podcast Lever Time, Joel Warner speaks with attorney and drug policy expert Shaleen Title about Joe Biden’s recent announcement on marijuana decriminalization and reform. Joel and Shaleen break down every aspect of Biden’s plan, as well as the corporate interests hoping to turn a profit from marijuana legalization (6:03).

In addition, David Sirota interviews Gary Chambers, a progressive Democrat running for a U.S. Senate seat in Louisiana. David talks with Gary about his roots as a community organizer, the resistance he’s met from the Democratic establishment, and how he hopes to become the state’s first black senator (34:06).

Click here for a rough transcript of the episode.

BONUS: On Lever Time Premium, our extended weekly podcast for supporting subscribers, David chats with acclaimed climate futurist Alex Steffen about the practicalities of building sustainable infrastructure, and how to “ruggedize” your life in the face of climate change.

To get access to Lever Time Premium and all of its bonus content, go here.

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