Drugmakers Want Vaccine Pricing Decisions Kept Secret

EDITOR’S NOTE: This Daily Poster report is being co-published with Newsweek.

This report was written by Julia Rock.
When the U.S. government awarded over $10 billion in contracts and advanced purchase commitments to drug companies working on COVID vaccine and treatments, it did not require the recipients of government money to agree to offer their products at fair prices or share intellectual property rights to enable faster production.
Now, two of the companies awarded those contracts — Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson — are trying to prevent shareholders from voting on resolutions to require the companies to disclose information about how government funding is impacting vaccine access.
The U.S. government has purchased 200 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine and 100 million doses of the Johnson & Johnson vaccines, for about $20 and $10 per dose, respectively.
Click here to read The Daily Poster’s full report at Newsweek.
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