Exclusive: Big Pharma’s Dems Boosted By New Ads


This is potentially a huge week, as corporate interests and their political lackeys culminate their efforts to derail drug pricing reform and axe progressive priorities in the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill — and we’re going to be following the money every step of the way.

It’s why we have another double feature of scoops today on the fight to lower prescription drug prices — both of which you can access below.

Here are our latest scoops:

1. Big Pharma’s Dems Score Ad Blitz: A dark money group funded by Big Pharma is bankrolling ads boosting the conservative House Democrats who are trying to weaken the party’s plan to allow Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices. Additionally, a separate pharma-funded foundation is suddenly sponsoring newspaper ads thanking one of the Democrats for his work on prescription drug policy.

The new ad campaigns highlight the lengths the pharmaceutical industry is willing to go in order to derail legislation that could cut into their bottom line. If Big Pharma’s efforts are successful, it will prevent the government from saving tens of billions annually and stop health care reforms that would cut prices on expensive drugs by more than 50 percent.

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2. Biden Group Thanked Sinema Too Soon: A dark money group created by allies of President Joe Biden released an ad last month thanking Sen. Kyrsten Sinema for pushing to lower prescription drug prices — just before she told the White House she will oppose Democrats’ drug pricing plan.

While Sinema previously campaigned on a pledge to reduce drug costs, the freshman senator and one-time-progressive-turned-corporatist has emerged as the chief roadblock to Democrats’ plan to allow Medicare to use its bulk purchasing power to negotiate significantly lower prescription drug prices. Because Democrats hold a narrow 50-50 majority in the Senate, they cannot afford to lose any votes on the measure.

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