Help us fight censorship


The most pervasive censorship today is corporate media erasing news that offends its corporate sponsors.

We’re not funded by huge corporations. We’re a reader-supported news outlet — so we’re fighting back with a new video series spotlighting the reporting that corporate media doesn’t want you to see.

Please click here to watch our first video, which is already going viral — and then click here to use a special discount to become a subscriber for less than $5 to help us do more.

The Lever - California Single Payer 02-2022

This video is based on The Daily Poster’s reporting that exposed California Gov. Gavin Newsom betraying his health care campaign promise after a health insurance corporation wrote a $1 million check to his state party.

That’s the kind of journalism we do — but we can only do it because free subscribers become paying subscribers. So if you’re reading this, PLEASE use this discount to become a subscriber for less than $5 right now — and remember, subscribers get access to our live events, our commenting community, and tons of other exclusive content.

Thanks for considering this request — and please spread this video far and wide.

Rock the boat,


P.S. You can find a tweetable version of this video here.