🎁 Give The Gift Of Clarity And Insight 🎁

What if we told you that you could give two gifts in one this holiday season? A gift subscription to The Lever gives your loved one the clarity and insight that comes from our investigative reporting that exposes the hidden workings of the powerful, and it also supports the essential journalism that The Lever undertakes each day. Click here to buy your gift now.

A gift subscription comes with access to all of our newsletters and archives, supporter-only weekly newsletters like You Love To See It and Lever Weekly, Lever Reader e-books such as The Citizens’ Guide To Holding The Powerful Accountable, premium podcast episodes, special live events, and more. Not only will you be giving the gift of these valuable perks, you will also be doing your part to hold the powerful accountable by funding The Lever’s independent investigative journalism.

You can include a gift message and select the start date for the subscription, which means it’s the perfect last-minute gift for any holiday this season.

We appreciate you considering this great offer, which would provide a gift to someone you love and to The Lever at the same time. We hope you have a wonderful holiday season!

Rock the boat.

The Lever Team