🎧 LEVER TIME: The Crucial Midterm Elections That No One Is Talking About

In the new episode of our  weekly podcast Lever Time, David Sirota is joined by Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold, who also serves as the chair of the Democratic Secretaries of State Association. David and Jena discuss the slate of election-denying Republican candidates who are running to oversee their state’s elections, and why the results of this year’s secretaries of state races are so vital.

In addition, David and Andrew Perez sit down with Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) to talk about his new book, The Scheme: How the Right Wing Used Dark Money to Capture the Supreme Court, and what’s next in the battle to end dark money — like the $1.6 billion secret donation we exposed — in politics.

Click here for a rough transcript of the episode.

BONUS: Lever Time Premium, our extended weekly podcast for supporting subscribers, features another installment of “Pod Is Not Saving America.” Producer Frank listened to the Pod Bros’ recent interview with former President Barack Obama about his advice for Democrats. Let’s just say it wasn’t the best advice...

To get access to Lever Time Premium and all of its bonus content, go here.

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