LEVER WEEKLY: “Do Not Weaponize Our Pain”

What The Lever Reported This Week:

A $64 Billion Bank Heist — The nation’s biggest banks are netting big profits from rising interest rates while ripping off everyone else.

LEFT WONDERING: Will Going On A Cruise Kill The Earth? — Plus, does flatulence impact global warming?

YOU LOVE TO SEE IT: Free Filing, Finally — Plus, researchers uncover a rare positive climate turning point, and both insider trading and pipelines come under scrutiny.

Stuff To Watch Or Listen To:

Live Event Replay: Naomi Klein & Omar Baddar On The Gaza Onslaught — David Sirota and guests explored the ongoing onslaught and humanitarian catastrophe in the Gaza Strip.

LEVER TIME: The King Of The “Self-Help” Grift — David Sirota examines the rise of “happiness” guru Arthur Brooks and explores the contradictions of the multibillion-dollar self-help industry.

LEVER TIME PREMIUM: Rupert Murdoch’s Climate Legacy — David Sirota speaks with Media Matters’ Allison Fisher about media mogul Rupert Murdoch’s damage to the climate movement.

MOVIES VS. CAPITALISM: Antz (w/ Max Epstein) — The MVC team discusses Dreamworks’ 1998 animated film about class consciousness in a bug’s world.