LEVER WEEKLY: “I’m Fearful That Therapy Services For Kids Will Cease To Exist”

What The Lever Reported This Week:

Voiceless By allowing insurers to outsource Medicaid decisions to a profit-hungry middleman, therapists and children say Florida’s left them with no say over vital medical care.

The TV War Machine — Cable news networks are relying on defense industry consultants to explain Israel’s war in Gaza.

“The Israel Situation Is Going To Put Upward Pressure On Demand” — General Dynamics and Raytheon execs tell investors that Israel’s war on Gaza will mean more business.

Military Contractors Are Targeting Commuters — Weapons and tech interests are skirting advertising rules and using Washington, D.C.’s subway system to influence policymakers.

YOU LOVE TO SEE IT: Reimagining Public Housing — Plus, the IRS comes for the big guys, America gets a new energy grid and rejects a controversial pipeline, and killings drop nationwide.

Stuff To Watch Or Listen To:

LEVER TIME: How To Talk About Gaza (w/ Naomi Klein & Omar Baddar) — David Sirota and guests explore the military onslaught and humanitarian catastrophe in the Gaza Strip.

MOVIES VS. CAPITALISM: The Wizard Of Oz (w/ Franciso Pérez) — The MVC team unpacks the monetary policy allegory baked into The Wizard of Oz.

Cable News Networks Are Relying on Defense Industry Consultants to Explain Israel’s War in Gaza — A video breakdown of our story “The TV War Machine.”

Banks Are Netting Big Profits From Rising Interest Rates While Ripping Off Everyone Else — The Lever’s Lucy Dean Stockton break down our recent update to “The Great Bank Robbery of 2023.”