make sure to watch this clip

Last week, The Daily Poster’s reporters broke open the story of how Senate Republicans’ bill purporting to protect preexisting conditions actually helps insurance companies gut health care protections.

Last night, that story took center stage in one of the country’s most important Senate races, as Georgia’s incumbent GOP Sen. David Perdue was obliterated for the bait-and-switch during a televised debate. Watch the clip here — it has now been viewed more than 6 million times.

This is the kind of follow-the-money reporting we do — and we are only able to do it because we are grassroots funded, which means we don’t have to worry about corporate- or billionaire interference. So here’s my request:

Can you click here to become a supporting subscriber to help us hire more reporters to do this work?

If every free subscriber who gets this email pitches in to become a $5-a-month or $50-a-year subscriber, we can build an entire newsroom to hold politicians accountable every day in 2021. Think about what we could accomplish if we had that. It would be epic — and if you’ve read our work, you know that we hold both parties accountable.

When you become a subscriber, you get a bunch of subscriber-only content — including access to our live events like the one we are holding with Naomi Klein this Monday on the eve of the election.

Please click here to pitch in, join our team and help us build this newsroom.

Over the last 6 months, we have shown that grassroots-funded journalism can have a major impact. That journalism is going to be even more important than ever after the election, because Congress and a new presidential administration will need to be held accountable. With your help, we can grow our team to meet that challenge.

Thanks for considering this request.

Rock the boat,


P.S. The Georgia race was not the only place where our reporting popped up this week. The Daily Poster’s separate corruption investigation this week made waves in one of the closest U.S. House races in the country. Check it out here — that’s the kind of hard-hitting reporting that your subscription will fund.