please read this


This is a message asking for your help — and it is important: To expand our work, we need about 50 free subscribers to click here right now to become supporting subscribers. We are grassroots funded, so that’s the only way we can hire more reporters.

Subscribe now

If you click here and subscribe using this special link, you get a discount. This discount is available for the first 50 folks who use it.

Take a look at all the accountability journalism we did last year - and we can do even more with your help. But we can only do this kind of work with your help.

So if you’ve been thinking about becoming a subscriber, PLEASE - do it now.

When you subscribe, you get access to all of our live events where you get to ask newsmakers questions (including tonight’s big event!). You also get all of our exclusive subscriber only content. And we are planning to add more of this content if we get enough subscribers to expand.

Thanks for considering this request - we wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important.

Rock the boat,