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The Daily Poster has been shaping the political debate over the promised $2,000 checks — and other media outlets are taking notice. Clearly, our accountability journalism is helping drive politics right now — even as some folks try to bully and silence us.

But as a grassroots-funded news outlet, we need free subscribers to click here to help us keep doing this work. We cannot do it without you.

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You don’t have to believe us when we say we’re making an impact. This week alone, the Washington Post’s top political reporter said that “The Daily Poster became a must-read in a hurry.” Meanwhile, NBC pointed to our reporting in a segment shaming the Biden administration for trying to limit the checks. Even the great Killer Mike touted the pressure we are putting on lawmakers to make good on their promise to send the checks out.

We’ve faced our share of attacks from those who want to intimidate us — just this week, an army of Twitter trolls berated us for daring to report inconvenient facts about Biden nominee Neera Tanden. But we don’t have to back down to billionaires and corporations — because we are grassroots funded by our subscribers. That’s why we need you to subscribe right now.

Take a look at the impact we’ve made over the last few months on everything from COVID coverage to corporate immunity to following the money behind the insurrection to holding Democrats accountable on their promises. We are only able to do this work because subscribers click here and pitch in.

Remember: When you become a supporting subscriber, you aren’t just helping us do this work — you also get access to all of our live events and our subscriber-only content, including the Midday Poster, You Love To See It, and the Weekend Reader, which our subscribers absolutely love.

We really need as many free subscribers to click here to become supporting subscribers right now.We can expand what we are doing to make even more impact, but we can only do that with your help.

Please take this request seriously — we wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important.

Become part of our team — and help us keep holding power accountable.

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Rock the boat,
