SAVE THE DATE - 11/25: Thanksgiving Eve With The Daily Poster


Usually on Thanksgiving Eve, I’m watching Planes, Trains and Automobiles with family. But this year, there’s no traveling. So to try to make this pandemic Thanksgiving a bit more festive, we are hosting a Daily Poster live chat with subscribers on Thanksgiving Eve - Wednesday 11/25.

The entire Daily Poster team will be there to answer subscribers' questions. We are going to try to answer everyone’s questions — and we are going to try to bring subscribers on stage, so have your camera and audio ready. David Sirota, Andrew Perez, Julia Rock and Walker Bragman will all be there — you can yell at us, insult us and berate us. You’ll be able to talk our ear off like Del Griffith.

It will be an open discussion about all the news of the day, and all of our plans for 2021. Grab a beer and join us — it’s going to be fun.

Bonus: we’ll tell you a little about the new subscriber-only product we’re about to launch.

This is an event exclusively for Daily Poster supporting subscribers, who will be able to watch the broadcast live and ask questions in real time.

To participate, click here to become a $5-a-month or $50-a-year subscriber to the Daily Poster. Once you are a subscriber, you will get event login information via email.

Hope to see you there!

Rock the boat,
