some big news


Today, The Daily Poster’s accountability journalism is featured in the Washington Post, because we were the only media outlet willing to report on Biden’s budget nominee pushing Social Security cuts.

Our reporting on Biden nominees’ corporate ties have gone viral and made a lot of powerful people in Washington angry — and they want to silence us - but we’re not going away. We’re going to expand - if you’re willing to help.

We are grassroots-funded - so here’s the ask: PLEASE click here to become a supporting subscriber right now. Don’t put it off, don’t wait - help us expand our impact RIGHT NOW.

Subscribe now

Now for some big news: Starting tomorrow, we are launching the Midday Poster exclusively for supporting subscribers.

It will be a succinct rundown of important scoops, tidbits and must-reads. Supporting subscribers already get exclusive access to our live events and to our Weekend Reader — the Midday Poster is designed with brevity in mind so that if you can only read one thing in a day, you’ll want it to be that. Think of it as Politico Playbook, except for normal people, not corporate lobbyists.

Click here to become a supporting subscriber.

In the past few weeks, you’ve seen the impact our journalism is having — as a grassroots-funded media outlet, we’ve broken stories that the corporate media will not touch. We don’t care if our reporting makes powerful people angry — we hold power accountable, no matter who it annoys.

We are aiming to hire more reporters to expand our journalism — so please: click here to become a supporting subscriber today.

One other note: Next week, we are adjusting our monthly pricing to $8-a-month or $75-a-year in order to help us raise more resources to expand. Until then, you can still subscribe at the $5-a-month or $50-a-year rates for the next week. So if you’ve been thinking about subscribing, you may want to do it now.

Thanks for considering this request — we hope you’ll become part of The Daily Poster team and help fund our accountability journalism.

Rock the boat,
