Team Biden attacks TMI — help us keep up the pressure


Joe Biden’s campaign is attacking us because we reported something that made them retreat — and so we need you to click here and help us right now.

To review: this week, we published a huge story that forced Biden’s campaign to frantically backpedal away from echoing Republican talking points. It was proof that our accountability journalism is working. Now, Biden’s campaign is attacking us — it deployed its paid campaign consultant to publish an angry diatribe calling TMI “irrelevant,” even as our reporting forced Biden’s campaign to walk back its comments about budget austerity.

Clearly, our accountability journalism about both parties is having a major impact — and we are right now trying to expand that journalism. So here’s my ask:

We need everyone who can to go to to pitch in and become a supporting subscriber.

Let me be clear: in the same week we published our impactful story about Biden, we also broke some big news about Donald Trump administration rewarding GOP donors. The point here is: we are a grassroots-funded news outlet that scrutinizes BOTH political parties, whether they like it or not.

If you want journalism that isn’t afraid to hold politicians accountable, please click here and become a supporting subscriber — and please pass on this request to anyone else you may know who wants to support this kind of work.

Thanks for considering this request. Onward.

Rock the boat,
