The Biggest Corruption Scandal In America Right Now


This week, prominent progressive elected officials publicly credited The Daily Poster’s work for challenging New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and breaking open one of the biggest corruption scandals in America.  We want to keep doing this work — but we need your help.

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In case you missed it: While corporate media outlets spent last year lauding Cuomo, The Daily Poster has been investigating how Cuomo helped major industry donors shield nursing home executives from legal consequences, and then withheld information about thousands of nursing home deaths. This isn’t just a New York story — as The Daily Poster first reported, Cuomo’s corporate immunity law subsequently went national.

This scandal is now engulfing New York as Cuomo reportedly faces a federal law enforcement probe — and our reporting has been a big part of exposing the back-room machinations. You don’t have to believe me about that.  Believe Assemblyman Ron Kim, the New York Democratic lawmaker who is now allegedly facing retribution from Cuomo for demanding answers about the questions our stories raised:

Another New York Democratic lawmaker demanding answers also publicly thanked The Daily Poster “for continuously asking for the numbers and covering what is happening in our nursing homes and hospitals and keeping us informed.”

You can read our reporting series here, here, here, here, here, and here. You’ll see that we are holding the powerful accountable — and we can only do so because we are completely independent and grassroots funded by our readers.

We have big plans for the future. But we cannot do this work unless folks click here to pitch in and become supporting subscribers.

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When we started The Daily Poster, we had a vision of building an independent news organization funded by readers that would let us challenge power in ways that corporate media won’t. This week, we can all see proof that our vision is fast becoming a reality.

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