The Democrat Banished For Warning Us About Biden

How is it that the Democrats’ main bulwark between America and a Trump regime is an impaired president whose White House reportedly tried to hide his decline? On this episode of Lever Time, we talk to the Democratic operative whose presidential candidate first tried to sound the alarm to avert this disaster — and whose candidate then faced a “quiet throat slitting” by party bosses.

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We also explore how Democrats are trying to blackmail voters with an impossible choice: Vote for a struggling Biden or get Trump and the potential end of democracy.

Democratic strategist Jeff Weaver was senior adviser to U.S. Rep. Dean Phillips — the only elected Democrat who tried to challenge Joe Biden for the party’s 2024 presidential nomination. Weaver also served as campaign manager for Sen. Bernie Sanders’  2016 presidential campaign and senior advisor for Sanders’ 2020 presidential campaign.

On this episode, Weaver details Phillips’ experience when the Democratic lawmaker tried to ensure voters knew about Biden’s decline. Weaver also explains exactly how the party could select a new nominee if Biden decides to halt his campaign — and how Democratic powerbrokers might try to tilt the process at the Democratic convention.

For an unedited transcript of the episode, click here.