The Master Plan Behind MASTER PLAN

Editor’s note: This article originally appeared in Westword, Denver’s alternative newsweekly. 

Trump’s Project 2025 will give him unchecked political power with no guardrails, and it would take Black America backwards. Project 2025 would strip away our voting-rights protections, and it eliminates the Department of Education. It would also require states to monitor women’s pregnancies, it bans abortion, and would rip away health coverage for millions. — Harris/Walz 2024 television campaign ad

We are in the process of the second American Revolution. ... [It] will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be. — Kevin Roberts, president of the Heritage Foundation, publisher of Project 2025

In mid-September, the crew behind Master Plan gathered in a small office in podcast editor Ron Doyle’s southeast Denver home. The three stared wearily at computer screens, quite apparently sleep-deprived. They’d been up late the night before, first doing an online Q&A with subscribers to the podcast, then working to address a newly discovered issue with an upcoming installment.

A closet door stood open, revealing a chair, a microphone and soundproofing foam on the wall – a makeshift recording booth, if they could just figure out what to record.

“I’m so utterly fucking over this episode,” David Sirota, the Denver-based journalist who founded The Lever, a national news outlet, as well as the Master Plan podcast, declared after hours of concentration. “Are we making this better? Are we sure?”