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We just launched a new video initiative to hold the powerful accountable — and you must see our newest production. It’s about corporate media hiring the people who lied America into the Iraq War. Watch it right here — and then click here to use a special discount to become a subscriber for less than $5 to help us do a lot more.

The Pundits Who Lied America Into A War

Last week, corporate media pundits were pretending to be outraged about media misinformation. But as our video shows, that very same week, NBC News and CNN hired two of the pundits who played a pivotal role promoting the fictions that pressed the country into the worst foreign policy disaster in modern history. They hired these pundits amid rising fears about a new war. Our new video is based on our report last week.

This is the kind of accountability journalism we do — but we can only do it because free subscribers have pitched in to become supporting subscribers.

So if you’re reading this, PLEASE use this discount right now to become a subscriber for less than $5 right now — and remember, subscribers get access to our live events, our commenting community, and tons of other weekly exclusive content.

Thanks for considering this request — and please, to help us spread the word, share this video far and wide.

Rock the boat,


P.S. You can find a tweetable version of this video here.