WATCH: Will Biden Defy Wall Street And Help Expose Russian Oligarchs?


Over the last week, The Daily Poster’s follow-the-money reporting has been breaking open one of the biggest stories of this perilous moment: the story of how Wall Street lobbyists and politicians have made it far harder to target Vladimir Putin and his oligarch network.

Watch our new video about the situation — and then click here to use this limited-time discount to become a subscriber for less than $5 to help us do more of this kind of accountability journalism that corporate media continues to avoid.

The Lever - Will Biden Defy Wall Street And Help Expose Russian Oligarchs?

As a reader-supported news outlet, we don’t answer to Wall Street billionaires — which means we can produce this kind of video and report stories like this and this that those billionaires want to keep suppressed. We can also show how President Biden has the power to fix the problem — but has so far refused.

But here’s the thing: The only way we can do that kind of accountability journalism is if our free subscribers pitch in and become supporting subscribers.

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