we need your help


We started this accountability journalism project to make a real-world impact — and that’s exactly what’s happening: Last night, top New York lawmakers explicitly credited our work for exposing the scandal now engulfing Gov. Andrew Cuomo, and for helping them work to repeal a corporate immunity law that has caused so much pain and suffering.

Meanwhile, we were given a platform on NPR to discuss our reporting on Democrats’ horrible rejection of a minimum wage, proving that we are helping to change the media conversation, and better focus it on the issues that matter.

This is what accountability journalism looks like in practice. But as a grassroots-funded outlet, we can only continue to do it if free subscribers decide to click here and become supporting subscribers.

Please, we need your help right now — and we wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t truly important.

Subscribe now

I want you to click here and watch this recent NBC segment that references our reporting and shows you exactly how our work is making an impact.

Then I want you to click here and watch Senator Alessandra Biaggi last night crediting our reporting with blowing open the nursing home scandal in New York.

Then click here to listen to the NPR segment on the minimum wage here.

When you click here to become a supporting subscriber, this is the work and the impact you are directly funding. We really and truly cannot do it without you.

When you become a supporting subscriber, you get access to all of our exclusive subscriber-only live events where you get to pose questions to high profile newsmakers while news is happening (last night’s event with New York lawmakers was the latest example). We’ve had congresspeople, attorneys general, and state lawmakers, as well as luminaries such as Cornel West, Noam Chomsky, and Nina Turner.

When you become a supporting subscriber, you also get access to all of our exclusive subscriber-only features like the Weekend Reader and You Love To See It - our review of all the progress and action steps that you can take to make a difference.

If you’ve thought about becoming a supporting subscriber, please do not wait. We need your help right now. Please click here to become a supporting subscriber.

Thanks for considering this request. We hope you will join the team.

Rock the boat,
