WEEKEND READER: Corporate CEOs Will Not Save Us

Corporate CEOs want you to believe that they are fighting for democracy and equality, and the business press has often portrayed executives as the saviors of our society. But a terrific new essay examines why this is a fantasy – and why Democrats should avoid trying to link their political fortunes to the alleged benevolence of corporations.

Also In Today’s Weekend Reader:

• A fascinating look at the school textbooks that right-wing senators learned from when they were kids.

Big Short director Adam McKay on how to be political, entertaining, and not destroy the world in the process.

• How and why the Pentagon started taking UFOs seriously again.

Photo credit: AP Photo/Paul Sakuma

This is a short excerpt of The Daily Poster’s Weekend Reading List, which is available to supporting subscribers here. You can click here to become a Daily Poster supporting subscriber for $8 a month or $70 a year. When you subscribe, you are helping us do this reporting and hire more journalists.

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