WEEKEND READER: Private Health Care's Road Show

This week, Ohio-based Cleveland Clinic opened a new, 184-bed private hospital in central London — a move that further expands U.S. health care interests' global reach. The “state-of-the-art” facility, which was estimated to cost one billion pounds, targets "UK patients with private health insurance or the growing number of people who are paying for treatment themselves, along with overseas patients," according to The Guardian. It is also a way to lure patients and providers away from the National Health Service, the U.K.'s government-run health care system, and in doing so, may further entrench corporate health care on an international scale.

Read all about it in this week’s Weekend Reader, exclusively for supporting subscribers.

Also In Today’s Weekend Reader:

  • ER docs are being fired for questioning unsafe practices.
  • Honoring a displaced community.
  • Big Tech is censoring truth-tellers.