WEEKEND READER: Suffering At The Hands Of Private Equity

WEEKEND READER: Suffering At The Hands Of Private Equity

In 2019, private equity giant KKR bought BrightSpring Health Services, one of the nation’s largest group home operators, for more than a billion dollars. KKR’s purchase of BrightSpring, and with it 600-plus residential facilities, came with great responsibility, given the health organization’s role in providing round-the-clock care for people with severe intellectual and developmental disabilities.

As we highlight below, a damning new BuzzFeed News investigation — one of its last, given the company’s decision to dismantle its award-winning investigations team — found that KKR appeared to prioritize business expansion over the health and safety of group home workers and residents. According to BuzzFeed News, by doing so, the firm created a crisis that left residents “consigned to live in squalor, denied basic medical care, or all but abandoned.”

Read all about it in this week’s Weekend Reader, exclusively for supporting subscribers.

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