YOU LOVE TO SEE IT: America Loves Unions

Good things are happening! A new poll suggests Americans feel more positive about unions (and more negative about big business) than any point in half a century. It likely helps that around the country, labor continues to score victories, such as how the largest health care workers union in Connecticut stared down the state’s governor and won itself a major raise. Meanwhile, as Democrats slowly become more critical of the Israeli occupation of Palestine, the Palestinian-led Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement is flourishing and needs all the support it can get.

This is an excerpt from today’s edition of You Love To See It — a weekly subscriber-only feature reviewing good news, progress and action steps. To read the entire article and access to our live events and all of our subscriber-only content, click here to become a Daily Poster supporting subscriber for $8 a month or $70 a year. When you subscribe, you are helping us do this reporting and hire more journalists.

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