YOU LOVE TO SEE IT: Senate Holdout Now Backs The PRO Act

YOU LOVE TO SEE IT: Senate Holdout Now Backs The PRO Act
Photo credit: Scott Olson/Getty Images

Unions and DSA chapters have been running a grassroots campaign to pressure lawmakers to support landmark legislation to make it easier for workers to join unions. Now, one of the key Senate Democratic holdouts has signed on as a co-sponsor of the legislation.


• AOC breaks with Democratic lawmakers in her state and slams their new tax proposal as “a gift to billionaires.” The data proves she is correct.

• IRS budget cuts have let the super-rich and large corporations evade the taxes they owe, but now the White House is pushing for big budget increases to help the agency better enforce America’s tax laws.

• New York progressive lawmakers just won a huge victory over scandal-plagued Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

• One blue state just notched a huge victory on voting rights.

This is an excerpt from today’s edition of You Love To See It — a weekly subscriber-only feature reviewing good news, progress and action steps. To read the entire article and access to our live events and all of our subscriber-only content, click here to become a Daily Poster supporting subscriber for $8 a month or $70 a year. When you subscribe, you are helping us do this reporting and hire more journalists.