YOU LOVE TO SEE IT: The Amazon Union Fight Hits Washington

Photo credit: Kena Betancur/Getty Images

This report was written by Julia Rock.

These Lawmakers Would Have to Resign From Corporate Boards If H.R. 1 Passes (Sludge) — If The For The People Act passes the Senate, at least 15 members of the House will need to resign from their positions on corporate boards.

Sen. Bernie Sanders To Bring Amazon Union Fight To Washington (The Washington Post) — “Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) will bring the high-stakes labor battle against Amazon to Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, when a union-supporting worker will testify before the Senate Budget Committee.”

Biden Administration Affirms Grad Students Right To Organize (National Labor Relations Board) — The National Labor Relations Board has withdrawn a Trump-era rule that would have excluded graduate students from being categorized as employees, preventing them from forming unions.

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