We have a big announcement: As of today, our current subscribers can now use this link to give gift subscriptions to friends and family members at a big discount.
Many readers requested this feature — and we hope you will use it. As a reader-supported news outlet, we rely on our subscribers to spread the word about our work and help us expand our grassroots base of support. Giving a gift subscription is one of the best ways you can help us.
As a current subscriber, you can use this link for a limited time to give a gift subscription at a significant discount that’s not available to non-subscribers.
The more gift subscriptions you give, the more people learn about our work, and the more we can expand our efforts.
And remember: When you give a gift subscription, the recipient gets all of our exclusive podcasts, live events, and even a copy of our new Citizens’ Guide To Holding The Powerful Accountable.
Corporate media has become a big part of the problem in American politics. But we are working every single day to build a new model for journalism — one that holds the powerful accountable. When you give a gift subscription, you will be helping us build the media we all know we need.
Thanks for considering this request — and thanks for being part of our team.
Rock the boat,