Master Plan
An investigative podcast series exposing the 50-year plot to legalize corruption in America.
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The Lever’s podcast network includes Lever Time, The Audit, Movies vs. Capitalism, Lever Premium Podcasts, and more. Our shows combine hard-hitting news with insightful analysis.
An investigative podcast series exposing the 50-year plot to legalize corruption in America.
Listen nowLever Time is our flagship weekly podcast, co-hosted by award-winning journalist and Oscar-nominated writer David Sirota with Senior Podcast Producer Arjun Singh. Scroll down to listen now.
Listen nowThe Audit is like listening to a book report — except the authors are deranged lunatics poisoning American culture.
Listen nowNarrated by David Sirota, Meltdown explores how the financial crisis and the Obama administration’s response helped create the conditions for the rise of Donald Trump, and how Democrats risk repeating the same history today.
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