Donald Trump has been president for less than two weeks, and the government is already in chaos. Amidst a flurry of executive orders, Trump suspended all federal spending earlier this week. The move sent panic throughout the federal government and upended critical services like Medicare and school funding. Is there an ideology behind the chaos? Or was the chaos the point? And what should the country make of it?
Today on Lever Time, senior podcast producer Arjun Singh recaps how Trump’s orders reverberated throughout the country — and explores what could come next.
To read a transcript of the episode, click here.

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Trump is sowing chaos so he can grab America’s pussy without a fight.
His talent is to read a room and read his strength (or weakness) in a room. Like a performer.
His strategy seems to be - survey a room, see if he possesses the tools/connections to get what he wants (power, fame, connections). If the room doesn’t read favorable to him, he lobs a grenade in it and leaves. Comes back in after the explosion, surveys the new environment. Repeats grenading until he can win a situation, or sometimes passes off a loss as “that never happened” or a win.
Imo he’s made 2 people in the Dem party -Dems terrified of grenades (and anyone entering a room); and Dems with kevlar vests and cameras. The terrified Dems are starting to walk away, and at a critical mass of their leaving, the kevlar vests will take over and lead.