Here’s What The Senate Must Do To Deliver Harris’ DNC Promises
The candidate laid out big plans at the DNC last night — but Democrats need to remove the barrier standing in her way.
Explore all of The Lever’s reporting that holds the powerful accountable.
The candidate laid out big plans at the DNC last night — but Democrats need to remove the barrier standing in her way.
Democrats have pledged to close a tax loophole benefiting private equity billionaires — but amid millions in Wall Street donations, the party has failed to do so for years.
Lawyers with deep connections to the Supreme Court dark-money operative are attacking voting rights in battleground states in the lead-up to the 2024 election.
As brand-name companies fund the break-in, a White House memo envisions dark money and Nixon leaves a ticking time bomb in D.C.
Plus, natural gas projects lose steam, taxing millionaires nets billions, a financial app pays up, and customers wise up to corporate greed.
Harris capitulated to niceties rather than help workers — will she act differently now?
Harris is only now starting to leak details of her policy agenda — but do voters even care?
Master Plan’s first episode explores a scandal that inspired groundbreaking anti-corruption legislation — if only the reforms could have lasted.
Start listening to the untold story of a decades-long scheme to steal democracy.