What The Lever Published This Week:
Wall Street Is Investing In Your Asbestos Poisoning
Private equity firms are buying up asbestos liability claims — and asbestos victims will pay the price.

How DNC Delegates Could Oust Biden
Biden could be forced off the ticket at the Democratic convention, but wealthy donors and corporate lobbyists might hijack the process.

Why The IRS Went Soft On Crime
The nation’s tax agency stopped pursuing tax crime from corporations and the ultrarich — what happened?

Everyone Has A Price — And Corporations Know Yours
Digital surveillance and customer isolation are locking us into a consumer hell of personalized prices.

Batteries Are So Back
Plus, meddling homeowner associations are put in their place, retirees put up a good fight, and the left wins big across the pond.

The Lever In The News:
- The Sunday Long Read — The compendium of the best longform journalism named Amos Barshad’s feature “Meet The New Kingpin” one of the best stories of 2024 so far.
- Al Jazeera — The weekly current affairs program “The Listening Post” had David Sirota on to discuss how the media has turned on Biden.
- The 2024 CCNow Journalism Awards — Covering Climate Now’s annual awards recognized Lois Parshley’s article “Uninsured,” which she wrote last year for Grist and the Economic Hardship Reporting Project before joining The Lever.
Would you please interview Robert Kennedy Jr. ? Like you did Marianne Williamson a year ago, great interview, she had my vote. No one is acknowledging RFK is in the race Why would Biden withhold security services for him? When the law went into effect because of his father. If this podcast is about levels being pulled explain this one.