What The Lever Published This Week:
How Your Life Savings Could Digitally Evaporate
A new banking startup lost track of peoples’ life savings and regulators are at a loss to help get it back.

Forever Chemicals Are Poisoning Your Insurance
As commercial insurers cut PFAS coverage, small businesses and consumers will swallow the cost.

License To Drill
Fossil-fueled Democrats want to use unverifiable “certified gas” schemes to undermine one of Biden’s most important climate moves.

The NBA Is Monetizing A Public Health Crisis
On Lever Time, we look at the big money and big problems tied to the rise of online sports betting.

The $220 Billion Medical Debt Problem (With Rep. Ro Khanna)
Rep. Ro Khanna unveils his plan with Bernie Sanders to wipe out more than $200 billion in medical debt.

SIROTA’S SIGNALS: America’s Biggest Ponzi Scheme
Plus, a simple fix for clean energy, how to save a half-trillion dollars, and banks repossessing wheelchairs and prosthetic limbs.

YOU LOVE TO SEE IT: No More Restroom Roulette
Plus, the money tap opens for a major river, good news about crime rates, ride-share drivers catch a break, and your medical debt gets a clean bill of health.

The Lever In The News:
- The Young Turks — The online news show dives into our reporting on how New York’s governor took money from auto dealers before blocking landmark congestion reforms.
- Your Call — The Lever’s Arjun Singh appeared on San Francisco public radio station KALW’s call-in show to discuss our podcast episode on credit card debt.
- Your Call — Lois Parshley also appeared on the KALW show to discuss her story on catastrophic landslides.
- The Bittman Project — Mark Bittman’s food publication republished Veronica Riccobene’s story on the real reason why food costs are skyrocketing.
- Hill Heat — The DC-oriented climate newsletter featured Hannah Story Brown’s story on fossil fuel-backed Democrats championing unverifiable “certified gas” schemes.
- The Hustle — The popular daily newsletter showcased The Lever’s reporting on a burgeoning climate threat: landslides.
- Sunday Long Read — For the second week in a row, the anthology of outstanding nonfiction highlighted our work, calling out “Cloudy With A Chance Of Disaster.”
- The Crucial Year / Bill McKibben — Climate activist Bill McKibben also featured our report on landslide risk in Juneau and its implications for communities across the country.
- The Indypendent News Hour — Katya Schwenk appeared on the weekly news program of New York City’s radical newspaper to discuss Gov. Kathy Hochul’s ties to automotive interests.