
Some big news: Today is the official release of MELTDOWN โ€” a new podcast series narrated by me that explores how the financial crisis and the Obama administrationโ€™s tepid response to it helped create the conditions for the rise of Donald Trump, and how Democrats risk repeating the same history today. It is a particularly timely release, considering President Joe Biden has just released a plan to massively pare back his own social spending bill.

Click here to listen to the trailer of the series.

You can find the entire series here:

Audible offers a free 30-day subscription, which you can use to listen to the series. In the coming weeks, we expect to have a special live event for Daily Poster subscribers with some of the guests in the series. Iโ€™ll also be writing a few articles about the series.

The project is already scoring great reviews:

This project is the culmination of nearly two years of reporting by me and a team of terrific reporters and producers at Transmitter Media and Jigsaw Productions. It tells a story that has often been ignored or avoided because the truths are painful and inconvenient to people in power. It is a story that is particularly relevant right now, as Democrats in Congress debate whether or not to side with their corporate donors and once again hollow out their own promised agenda.

Among those featured in the series are: New Yorker writer Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, The Nationโ€™s John Nichols, author Thomas Frank, former Democratic Rep. Brad Miller, journalist Matt Taibbi, former Biden aide Jeff Connaughton, and former Troubled Asset Relief Program Inspector General Neil Barofsky. The series also includes parts of my never-before-aired interview with former President Barack Obama.

Click here to listen to some select excerpts of interviews with Frank, Nichols, Taylor and Taibbi.

I hope youโ€™ll listen to the series and encourage your friends to listen as well. The lessons and cautionary tales from the Obama years are more relevant than ever right now. They explain why so many Americans have lost faith in government, and why it is so dangerous for Democrats to repeat history.

Rock the boat,


P.S. I discussed MELTDOWN and Democratsโ€™ reconciliation bill on Michael Mooreโ€™s great podcast Rumble this week. You can listen to that here.

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