Grab the popcorn: Daily Poster subscribers are going to the movies!
That’s right: We’re launching a regular film club, exclusive for our supporting subscribers. At each live event, we will discuss the ramifications, messages and ideologies of classic political movies. Some of the films will be genuinely good, some will be so bad they’re good, but all of them will provide ample fodder for our incisive (read: pompous and long-winded) analysis. Along the way, we will have some very special guests join us for the fun.
For our first move club event on 4/22, we will be exploring the 1992 political comedy The Distinguished Gentleman, starring Eddie Murphy in his prime. It is a hilarious look at money in politics and political corruption.
As a very special guest, we will be joined by the film’s writer and executive producer, Marty Kaplan, now a professor at the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism and founding director of the Norman Lear Center for the study of the impact of entertainment on society.
Like all our live chats, the event is exclusively for Daily Poster supporting subscribers, who will be able to watch the broadcast live and ask questions in real time. Subscribers can also watch a replay of the discussion following the event.
To participate, click here to become an $8-a-month or $70-a-year subscriber to the Daily Poster.
Once you are a subscriber, you will get event login information via email.
Hope to see you there!
Rock the boat,