LEVER TIME: Why Biden Betrayed Railroad Workers
On this week’s Lever Time: We explore why the Democrats sided with railroad barons; dig into a new documentary on the student debt crisis; and engage with a humorous defense of elitism.
Explore The Lever’s coverage of the 46th president of the United States.
On this week’s Lever Time: We explore why the Democrats sided with railroad barons; dig into a new documentary on the student debt crisis; and engage with a humorous defense of elitism.
In 2020, Biden called the lack of decent paid sick leave “a national disgrace” — now he’s siding with railroad barons to crush rail workers seeking those benefits.
The IRS is sanctioning state laws allowing rich Americans to bypass the SALT cap and avoid billions in taxes, but a new Biden nominee could end the scheme.
The Justice Department announced Thursday it would no longer fight bankruptcy efforts of federal student loan borrowers if they are being crushed by debt.
Senate Democrats will vote Thursday on a dark money disclosure bill, known as the DISCLOSE Act. They should do what’s needed to let it succeed.
Limiting student debt relief is cynicism masquerading as populism — and it will just enrage everyone.
The president was lauded for an oil and gas order — but he hasn’t done what experts say is necessary to actually halt fossil fuel development on federal lands.
The new president has a choice: make friends with congressional Republicans or actually make progress. He can't do both.