The Millionaire CEOs Trying To Crush Nurses
Hospital execs are paying themselves millions while blocking better pay for frontline health care providers.
Timely coverage of the resurgent labor movement and efforts to protect workers’ rights from corporate wrongdoing.
Hospital execs are paying themselves millions while blocking better pay for frontline health care providers.
One of the candidates, Haley Stevens, has a history of doing gig companies’ bidding and trying to quash worker protections.
The Fed chair says his goal is to “get wages down” — but he has declined to reduce bankers’ record-high bonuses.
By leaving the problem of inflation to the central bank, Democrats are accepting an attack on labor power.
New York’s governor has the power to meet labor organizers’ demands — but her ties to Amazon might get in the way.
The president promised to halt federal contracts to union busters — but the deal was just re-awarded to Amazon while the company was crushing a union drive.
The company quietly told investors that its profits are threatened by its public crusade against the labor movement
As corporate cash floods Democratic coffers, the president is ignoring his own union task force and refusing to reinstate a key pro-worker rule.
Jesse Mason says he was fired after celebrating a sweeping union victory — now union officials are filing a federal labor complaint.
The retailer’s anti-labor activities could be violating the terms of multi-million subsidy deals it has scored in New York.