One month ago, Save Our Healthcare entered the scene, marking the latest in a string of dark money groups targeting congressional Democrats and their economic, health care, and climate reconciliation package.
Save Our Healthcare appears to be among the darkest of dark money groups. It’s difficult to paint a clear picture of who’s behind the operation, allowing the organization to skirt public scrutiny.
Find out the scary little that is known about this group and much, much more in today’s Midday Poster below, exclusive for subscribers.
Before the weather turns too cold people need to get out onto the streets. Just as I suspected all along the self-proclaimed “Progressive Caucus” (especially the “Squad”) are not going to stand up and fight for their supposed principles, not to mention desperately needed Social Programmes and URGENT Climate action. Ro Khanna is already trying to portray the total capitulation as some kind of “win”, when in reality they are - as usual - providing cover for Biden and the Dems. What is the point of them being there? & I include “Saint” Bernie Sanders in that. If he rolls over on his already meagre healthcare “reforms” and let’s Biden give everything to Manchin & Sinema then Bernie is as much a part of the problem as the rest of them. Same with the Squad. I’m still hoping against hope they’ll surprise me… but I’m not going to hold my breath.
Remember, it’s not the Republicans who won’t give us Healthcare, Student Debt forgiveness, lower drug prices, ACTION ON THE CLIMATE. It’s the DEMOCRATS we need to fight. They’re the ones blocking things, or not pursuing them in the first place.
POWER CONCEDES NOTHING WITHOUT DEMANDS. They need to fear the people. They need to see us on the streets, refusing to go away until they give us what we need. Every State Capitol must be occupied. The streets around them packed with the working classes. Only then will we see them do what they should’ve done years ago, to bring the US in line with every civilised nation. Until then the US is NOT a civilised country. Not when it denies it’s citizens BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS.