With an unprecedented ethical cloud looming over the Supreme Court, the justices have continued going about their work pushing our nation’s laws far to the right, as if nothing matters.
In recent weeks, we’ve learned that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has for years taken yacht and private jet trips on the dime of billionaire GOP donor Harlan Crow — without disclosing them as required by federal ethics law. Next, we learned that Thomas sold his mother’s house and a few vacant lots nearby to Crow in 2014, without disclosing the transactions, also in apparent violation of federal ethics law, per ProPublica.
Crow, a Texas real estate heir, has long been a mega-donor to Republican campaigns. He and his family have also quietly funded conservative think tanks that lobby the Supreme Court to rule certain ways on cases.
As calls mounted from lawmakers and government watchdog groups for federal investigations into Thomas, the Supreme Court announced it will hear a case next week that will determine whether millions of Americans have safe access to abortions.
In the face of the latest revelations surrounding Thomas’s unethical and allegedly illegal behavior, business as usual continues at the nation’s highest court — and Americans’ lives and fundamental rights are on the line. The case involving the abortion pill mifepristone is a glaring example.
The supreme court has no ethical standards. That's appropriate, since they have no ethics. I wish I were around in twenty years or so when the historians begin to chronicle the sad regime of justice roberts.
I do have a cap-shift key but don't waste it on charlatans.