President Biden had his “mission accomplished” moment this week when his White House took to social media to tout this week’s debt ceiling deal as a “major Biden administration victory.”
This Is What Biden Says Is A “Big Win”
Dems’ debt-deal celebration tells us exactly what they think is a victory — and for whom they want to deliver such wins.
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Bravo for the clarity and substance of the process by which Biden and Durban betrayed the “least among us” to pave their political coffers with the fruits bestowed by the lobbyists’ Big Fat Daddies. Reminds me of Biden’s ditching the railroad workers’ intended strike and the ultra soft touch by Buttegeig for the Southern Pacific RR’s psychopathic treatment of East Palestine residents. What is it with our citizenry? Hornswaggled by its so-called representatives, President included. Since it’s common knowledge that an educated citizenry is the insurance for healthy democracy, giving a break to student debtors for educational loans would be a no brainer. But no. That makes his authentic priorities stand out in bas relief- and students and education (and democracy) are not at the top of the list. Grievously. Maddeningly. Excellent informative work Leverites👏 Even if the news hurts.
Glad you recognize we have "this deal" because the population living in this country does not care enough to go out and protest like people in other countries do when outrageous things happen. Biden is hogtied by middle America. Our months long organization to get a protest march is so much less effective than say the Serbians on the streets protesting now because there have been two serial shootings. They are out every day, and each day the crowd grows louder, and might even topple the administration. Here, we have pockets of people like the Duggars who are not an isolated case. A friend from Texas was telling me that where he grew up most people watched soap operas, and did not really even know who most people in government were, not necessarily even the president. There is a level of awareness and education that is missing from too much of our population. We don't even celebrate May Day, a holiday in Germany, where I was last month. Can you imagine the power if we were out there marching in full force each day after a shooting until our government did something substantial about it.
Yes, Linda, I can imagine it because such a vibrant citizen response because of the Serbians, the French, the Hong Kong-ians. Interesting, is the closer our citizenry were to WW2 and then, the Vietnam war where many parents fell into grief because their drafted sons were hauled out of cargo planes encased in body bags from the obscenity of the Vietnam war. Then, the citizenry felt death in their own bones, felt the treachery of their politicians, knew their fathers as the walking dead from the horrors of WW2. In the midst of death close at hand instead of the Netflix spectacle viewed from couches we recognized our interdependency for life and that was manifested in social policies that worked for the whole. Inverted totalitarianism and endless wars with no draft depends on a citizenry of zombies. Where life on the sofa substitutes for life keenly felt because death is always at hand and your precious son, daughter, father, mother, uncle, auntie, and close friend came back dead. When the community denies death, then comes addictions, then comes mass murders, then comes death by un impeded corporate Fat Money environmental plunder, then by the suicide of our own children.
Is it time to move to Canada yet?
No! It’s time to break the bubble of the spell in which we are bound, rise up together, reclaim our survival instincts, and decide to stop being cowed by “the masters.”
We paid the ransom, got our kid back, and she's missing only one ear. Success!
Great grand guignol analogy. Sad but too true.
It is so very discouraging. Bernie says dispair is not an option. I would say how can you not despair and then you have to get back up and keep working to honestly reframe the conversation and work among other things to get more leftists elected. It’s difficult because the Neoliberals in control truly do not care about working people and many working people are so discouraged they simply opt out of the political process .part of our job as activists is to engage with rank and file in labor unions with democratic rank-and file caucuses ( (TDU, UAWD, Starbucks, Amazon, labor, union, reform, caucuses in teachers unions ) community struggles : environmental , pro choice, first amendment and antiracist and anti discrimination struggles struggles, and work with those folks to create wins, which help people understand that a better world is possible.
The very worst part of Biden, and Obama and Clinton was the concept that somehow we were just going to stumble along and that was OK . Biden, who started out with some legislation that made progress, particularly in climate has reversed himself completely and called it a win. Things can change, but it requires a massive movement on the ground to support Bernie and the squad and work on struggles with regular people to convince them they have the power to fight for a better life and get some of it.
Yes and a qualification. Time for consciousness raising groups. Time for clarifying what is in the context of history since the Powell Memorandum. Asking what has happened to the sense of our agency to effect the nature of governance that serves needs. Time to question structures with a lucid eye. Instead of just throwing our passion and will behind Bernie and The Squad. Something new is wanting to come through. Not something shredded, patched, full of wholes, weak in the Dept of Response-ability, and weighted in favor of a select interest group 200 plus years old that emigrated from a long history of feudalism (and futilism for the peasants and serfs).
To Linda, and per the "Succession" quote, the average American is like an old, worn out prostitute. Sorry, pro's . . . . no disrespect intended.
You all are being lied to for some weird reason. 75,000 more people are now eligible for SNAP including vets,homeless and people who age out of foster care. David Sirota and others have some weird agenda that only tells half the story. Marianne Williamson has no experience and is a product of Oprah and author. This deal was the yearly budget and it was a good deal. The amount of whining the left does is mind boggling and the purity is ridiculous. The pipeline is 90% finished. The student loan repayment was to start back in August already,it's in front of the SC right now and will be ruled on in a week or so. Go outside your bubble and get the full facts. Biden and his administration is doing a great job. Push Biden to the left instead of bitching about it online.
Well Jessica, to tell you the truth, back in 1974 Joe Biden declared himself a Corp. prostitute, and has been proud of his Corp. Prostitution accomplishments over the last fifty years. After fifty years of availing himself totally to Corp. America, while at the same time gaslighting the American People, I hardly think that Leopard is going to change it's spots at the ripe old age of 80 plus. He doesn't know where he is half the time.
You go ahead and vote for him again! And keep pushing him to the Thx for the laugh!! #kennedy24
The entire mess makes me sick to my stomach. I watch MSNBC and have been waiting for one person to step out of the marching line…so far, nobody has. I will see what Rachel has to say on Monday but I am slowly backing away from MSNBC.
why do you watch MSNBC?
Back away from msm!!
After Hillary lost in 2016, MSNBC went full 100% Corporate Democrat. I used to listen to Rachel from the time she was on Air America and when she first went to MSNBC. She had an interesting show. After the 2016 election, she was on nothing but Russia Gate period for 3 years straight. After the 2016 election all of the Bernie supporters were either gone or decided to go with the new format. MSNBC is no better than FOX.
I haven't been able bear watching Madow for many years now. Sometime, write down what you think you learned from an episode. Pretty often, you won't be able to write anything.
MSM is in the business of selling the conceit, that if you watch them, you are well informed. Unfortunately, actually informing viewers is expensive and alienating to fellow elites.
Google Cenk Uygur, and his experience at MSNBC. It makes Madow's transformation comprehensible and heart-breaking.
When TYT is good, you will learn more in ten minutes then would by listening to a week of MSNBC and NPR combined; once upon a time, Nancy Pelosi said that something was bad, TYT went down a list of things that Nancy Pelosi could do, as a Dem Party leader, if she really believed that.
good cop(democrats/bad cop(repugnicans)
David, right on the spot.
I think it is time to turn off the TV ( I don't have one) and start reading. TV is nothing but garbage, selling garbage goods, garbage "news", garbage propaganda and garbage, tear jerking, "entertainment".
We got what we wanted- a guy that's better than a blatant liar but still a liar. Senator Clyburn also got what he wanted by thrusting the Primary Coup onto the nation. SC will be first now. The DNCC needs to be routed and the Democratic Party sure is no better with all their machinations than the R party. And if I hear one more newscaster call Senator Manchin a "conservative" instead of a Right Wing Hack I fear I'm gonna puke on my radio just the same when somebody mentions the "radical Left", which only exists in their wet dreams.
America is in dire straights.
What if Dems had expended the same amount of effort while they held power, as they did to pass the Republican debt ceiling?
I would like to ask why that is. Just too hard while they have power, vote-whipping frenzy to pass their buddies(?) debt-ceiling?
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Of course the austerity-packed, corporate coddling, MIC-stroking features of this package are what the DNC-types (including Biden) wanted.