The Daily Poster recently published a story revealing a surprising admission from the Republican-run Congressional Budget Office: Corporate health care is immiserating millions of Americans, and a Medicare for All-style system could fix the catastrophe.
Watch our new video about the CBO report — and then share it on social media and forward this email to friends and family.
Daily Poster - The Government Tells The Truth About Medicare For All
We don’t answer to health insurance CEOs or lobbyists. We’re a reader-supported news outlet — which is why we can produce this video and report stories like this and this that corporate health care interests would rather keep out of public view.
We can also show how President Joe Biden and Democratic lawmakers have the power to scrap our current medical system and build one that works for everyone — but so far haven’t even considered passing the public option plan Biden touted on the campaign trail.
The only way for our elected officials to do right by all of us is to continue lifting the veil on these kinds of inconvenient truths.
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Our government knows we should have single-payer, but they are too greedy getting kickbacks from the healthcare industry and BlackRock, who controls the world (circle investors). It's just a big circle of greedy investment companies. We pay for health care premiums and overpriced drugs, they use it to influence legislation with big donations and the cycle continues with billions in profits to HC CEO's, investors, and our legislators get richer each year by NOT changing the system. The average person can easily pay or exceed $20k per year in premiums, co-pays, co-insurance, out-of-pocket, prescription drugs, etc. (with a 'good' plan). And that is for an average healthy adult (no cancer or transplants). As you age it increases. You add treatment for a serious illness or disease, then God help you! I guess your assets are wiped out. Cat food?